
Type Title Credited author Credited author/s NON-CRC
Presentation-Slideshow Area Fire Management Groups Project Queensland RFS
Presentation-Slideshow Meteye and Spatial Fire Weather Services Robin Hicks
Presentation-Slideshow Northern Seasonal Fire Outlook Jeff Sabburg, David Jones
Presentation-Slideshow Northern Satellite based Curing and Fuels cyates
Presentation-Slideshow Northern Queensland Fire Season Potential Outlook bgreimel Winston Williams
Presentation-Slideshow Building Community Resilience in Northern Australia jrussellsmith
Presentation-Slideshow North Australian Bushfire and Natural Hazard Training ssutton
Presentation-Slideshow Northern Territory Jurisdictional Issues Mark Ashley
Presentation-Slideshow NT NAFM 2015 Presentation Steele Davies
HazardNoteEdition Northern Australia Seasonal Bushfire Outlook 2015
Presentation-Slideshow The NAFI Service Peter Jacklyn

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