Key topics


Communities refers to groups of people living in the same place, who share particular characteristics or endeavours.

Datesort ascending Item Type Key Topics
Unpacking the meaning of resilience: the Tarnagulla community definition comparing to the literature Biblio climate change, communities, resilience
Improved predictions of severe weather to reduce community impact – final project report Biblio PDF icon save (15.84 MB) communities, fire weather, severe weather
Into the firing line: civilian ingress during the 2013 “Red October” bushfires, Australia Biblio communication, communities, warnings
October 2013 NSW post-incident task force Project communication, communities, warnings
Animal emergency management in South Australia: a case study of the Sampson Flat bushfire Biblio animals, communities, emergency management
An analysis of human fatalities from floods in Australia 1900-2015 Biblio PDF icon save (2.56 MB) communities, flood, vulnerability
Towards fire-adaptive communities in Australia Project communities, fire, resilience
Reducing bushfire risk to vulnerable community members through health and community services agencies – business continuity approach Biblio PDF icon save (687.64 KB) communities, emergency management, fire
Black Summer - how the NSW community responded to the 2019-20 bushfire season Biblio PDF icon save (2.89 MB) communication, communities, fire
Why do people decide to drive through floodwater? Utilising virtual reality to assess motivations and behaviour associated with driving through floodwater Project communities, decision making, flood
Enhancing public information practice in Tasmania’s emergency services (TFS and SES) Project communities, emergency management
2015 Sampson Flat SA post-incident task force Project communication, communities, warnings
Dimensions of Risk Justice and Resilience: Mapping Urban Planning’s Role Between Individual Versus Collective Rights Biblio communities, decision making, recovery
Nandong smong and tsunami lullabies: Song and music as an effective communication tool in disaster risk reduction Biblio communities, local knowledge, resilience
Urbanisation pressures and flood risk: Gawler River catchment and regional development Biblio PDF icon save (6.37 MB) communities, decision making, flood
Diversity and inclusion: Building strength and capability - Annual Report 2019 Biblio PDF icon save (1.58 MB) capability, communities, vulnerability
Sheltering practices during bushfire Biblio PDF icon save (1.66 MB) communities, fire, policy
Assessing community resilience for emergencies in local government policy - Maroondah City Council and Knox City Council case studies Project communities, emergency management, resilience
Knowledge for life: how local knowledge is helping communities prepare Biblio communities, local knowledge, risk management
Evidence-based risk communication: an industry-academic research collaboration that enhanced dam release message effectiveness Biblio PDF icon save (365.96 KB) communication, communities, warnings
Gendered responses to the 2009 Black Saturday Bushfires in Victoria, Australia Biblio communities, fire, response
Participation for Disaster Resilience Biblio communities, recovery, resilience
Disaster Resilient Communities: Engagement with Spontaneous Volunteer Groups Biblio PDF icon save (1.05 MB) communities, emergency management, volunteering
Contacts versus connectors: The role of Community Fire Safe Group coordinators in achieving positive bushfire safety outcomes Biblio communication, communities, warnings
Improving the Role of Hazard Communications in Increasing Residents' Preparedness and Response Planning Annual Report 2014 Biblio PDF icon save (537.23 KB) communication, communities, preparedness
Animal ownership among vulnerable populations in regional South Australia: implications for natural disaster preparedness and resilience Biblio animals, communities, vulnerability
Extending into community-led preparedness and planning just enough (but not too much?) Biblio communities, non-traditional recruitment, volunteering
A new model for effective post-disaster housing reconstruction: Lessons from Gujarat and Bihar in India Biblio communities, recovery, resilience
Predicting risk-mitigating behaviors from indecisiveness and trait-anxiety: two cognitive pathways to task avoidance Biblio communication, communities, preparedness
Community adaptation to cope with disaster related road structure failure Biblio PDF icon save (399.28 KB) communities, multi-hazard, resilience
Assessing the potential, application, and implications of volunteered geographic information in disaster risk reduction Biblio PDF icon save (7.27 MB) communities, local knowledge, volunteering
2014 Parkerville WA post-incident task force Project communication, communities, decision making
Firefighter involvement in Youth Justice Conferencing: Implications for fire prevention Biblio communities, education, fire
Risk communications in Victoria Project communication, communities, fire
Get ready NSW- fostering all hazards resilience in local communities Biblio PDF icon save (667.19 KB) communities, emergency management, resilience
Community-led recovery Project communities, recovery, resilience
Implementing research to support disaster risk reduction Biblio PDF icon save (277.04 KB) communities, emergency management, risk management
Improving the role of hazard communications in increasing residents’ preparedness and response planning Project communication, communities, preparedness
Homelessness and severe storms: a case study of the June 2016 East Coast Low Project communities, flood, severe weather
Community-led bushfire preparedness in action: The case of Be Ready Warrandyte Biblio PDF icon save (834.52 KB) communities, decision making, volunteering

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