Key topics


Communities refers to groups of people living in the same place, who share particular characteristics or endeavours.

Datesort ascending Item Type Key Topics
2015 Sampson Flat SA post-incident task force Project communication, communities, warnings
Disasters and economic resilience: the income effects of the Cyclone Oswald 2013 on small business owners Biblio PDF icon save (2.55 MB) communities, cyclone, economics
Checks and balances: A business‐oriented lens on disaster management and warnings Biblio communication, communities, warnings
October 2013 NSW post-incident task force Project communication, communities, warnings
An analysis of human fatalities from floods in Australia 1900-2015 Biblio PDF icon save (2.56 MB) communities, flood, vulnerability
Recovery Capitals (ReCap): applying a community capitals framework to disaster recovery - annual report 2019/20 Biblio PDF icon save (1.13 MB) communities, recovery, resilience
Real people, real stories- if it’s flooded forget it Biblio PDF icon save (767.2 KB) communities, emergency management, flood
Post-disaster housing reconstruction as a means of enhancing disaster resilience of at-risk communities in India Project communities, recovery, resilience
Climate Ready Communities: empowering communities to spread climate preparedness messaging and take local action Biblio PDF icon save (1.18 MB) climate change, communities, preparedness
Homelessness and severe storms: a case study of the June 2016 East Coast Low Biblio PDF icon save (804.26 KB) communities, recovery, resilience
Recovery Capitals (ReCap): navigating the complexities of disaster recovery - final project report Biblio PDF icon save (2.28 MB) communities, recovery
Gendered responses to the 2009 Black Saturday Bushfires in Victoria, Australia Biblio communities, fire, response
Preparedness for natural hazards: testing an expanded education- and engagement-enhanced social cognitive model Biblio communities, preparedness, resilience
Mapping training delivery framework and pathways for the north Australian fire and emergency management training Biblio PDF icon save (991.14 KB) communities, indigenous communities, Northern Australia
Improving the Role of Hazard Communications in Increasing Residents' Preparedness and Response Planning Annual Report 2014 Biblio PDF icon save (537.23 KB) communication, communities, preparedness
A community engagement approach to natural hazard communication Biblio communication, communities, resilience
Extending into community-led preparedness and planning just enough (but not too much?) Biblio communities, non-traditional recruitment, volunteering
Acknowledging local sociality in disaster recovery: a longitudinal, qualitative study Biblio PDF icon save (4.93 MB) communities, emergency management, multi-hazard
A systematic literature review of effectiveness of community engagement for preparedness techniques Biblio PDF icon save (2.69 MB) communities, preparedness, resilience
Sheltering practices during bushfire Biblio PDF icon save (1.66 MB) communities, fire, policy
Mapping approaches to community engagement for preparedness in Australia Project communication, communities, resilience
An integrative review of the 2017 Port Hill fires' impact on animals, their owners and first responders’ encounters with the human-animal interface Biblio animals, communities, response
Knowledge for life: how local knowledge is helping communities prepare Biblio communities, local knowledge, risk management
Monitoring, evaluation and learning toolkit Biblio PDF icon save (1.29 MB) communities, emergency management, preparedness
How do island communities balance disaster resilience and what can mainlanders learn from that? Biblio PDF icon save (220.15 KB) communities, local knowledge, resilience
Beyond Binary: (Re)Defining “Gender” for 21st Century Disaster Risk Reduction Research, Policy, and Practice Biblio PDF icon save (766.4 KB) communities, diversity and inclusion, emergency management
A novel framework for owner driven reconstruction projects to enhance disaster resilience in the long term Biblio capability, communities, resilience
Improving the role of hazard communications in increasing residents’ preparedness and response planning Project communication, communities, preparedness
Community-led bushfire preparedness in action: The case of Be Ready Warrandyte Biblio PDF icon save (834.52 KB) communities, decision making, volunteering
Shared responsibility: the who, what and how Biblio communities, governance, policy
Long-term solutions to improve emergency management services in remote communities in northern Australia Biblio communities, emergency management, Northern Australia
The missing link in emergency management: evaluating community engagement Biblio PDF icon save (215.05 KB) communities, preparedness, resilience
The lived experience of disadvantaged communities affected by the 2015 South Indian Floods: Implications for disaster risk reduction dialogue Biblio communities, emergency management, vulnerability
2014 Parkerville WA post-incident task force Project communication, communities, decision making
Flood levee influences on community preparedness: a paradox? Biblio communities, emergency management, flood
Developing effective emergency management partnerships in remote north Australian communities - final project report Biblio PDF icon save (2.85 MB) communities, governance, Northern Australia
Risk communications in Victoria Project communication, communities, fire
Heatwaves in New South Wales: how are residents and businesses coping? Biblio PDF icon save (381.41 KB) communities, resilience, severe weather
Intelligent warnings: a twenty-first century approach to encouraging protective action in emergencies Biblio PDF icon save (993.19 KB) communities, emergency management, warnings
Out of uniform: building community resilience through non-traditional emergency volunteering: Annual project report 2014-2015 Biblio PDF icon save (480.75 KB) communities, non-traditional recruitment, volunteering

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