Key topics

emergency management

Emergency management is the discipline of dealing with and avoiding both natural and manmade disasters. It involves preparedness, response and recovery in order to lessen the impact of disasters.

Datesort ascending Item Type Key Topics
Building adaptive capacities for disaster resilience: what role for government? Biblio PDF icon save (490.2 KB) emergency management, governance, policy
Simulation and analysis of surface wind fields during landfalling tropical cyclones Biblio PDF icon save (34.51 MB) cyclone, emergency management, engineering
No ordinary call: factors predicting fire communication officers' job strain and well-being Biblio PDF icon save (978.68 KB) capability, emergency management, resilience
Analysis of the physical processes associated with junction fires at laboratory and field scales Biblio emergency management, fire, planning
Intelligent warnings: a twenty-first century approach to encouraging protective action in emergencies Biblio PDF icon save (993.19 KB) communities, emergency management, warnings
Resolving future fire management conflicts using multi-criteria decision making Biblio decision making, emergency management
Long-term solutions to improve emergency management services in remote communities in northern Australia Biblio communities, emergency management, Northern Australia
Stretch‐Thinking Loops: A New Technique for Scenario Planning Biblio emergency management, organisational, scenario analysis
Sleep in wildland firefighters: what do we know and why does it matter? Biblio emergency management, fire impacts, fire severity
Globe-LFMC, a global plant water status database for vegetation ecophysiology and wildfire applications Biblio emergency management, fire, fire impacts
Accredited qualifications for capacity development in disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation Biblio emergency management, environments, risk management
Non‐technical skills for emergency incident management teams: A literature review Biblio decision making, emergency management, organisational
Sprinkler systems for the protection of buildings from wildfire Biblio PDF icon save (19.97 MB) emergency management, engineering, vulnerability
Reducing bushfire risk to vulnerable community members through health and community services agencies – business continuity approach Biblio PDF icon save (687.64 KB) communities, emergency management, fire
Overcoming Ambiguity: Conflict Between Emergency Warning Messages and Socio-Environmental Cues Biblio communication, emergency management, warnings
Bushfire and natural hazard training for Northern Australia: Annual project report 2014-2015 Biblio PDF icon save (742.18 KB) emergency management, multi-hazard, response
Decision making, team monitoring and organisational learning in emergency management: annual project report 2016-17 Biblio PDF icon save (1.14 MB) capability, decision making, emergency management
Cost-Effective Mitigation Strategy Development for Building Related Earthquake Risk Annual Report 2017-2018 Biblio PDF icon save (3.04 MB) earthquake, emergency management, mitigation
Emergency volunteering 2030: Views from the community sector Biblio PDF icon save (1.05 MB) emergency management, volunteering
Improving the resilience of existing housing to severe wind events - annual report 2018-19 Biblio PDF icon save (1.85 MB) cyclone, emergency management, engineering
Final report on vulnerability of as-built and retrofitted URM buildings Biblio PDF icon save (1.13 MB) earthquake, emergency management
Diversity and inclusion: towards a better understanding of management and measurement - policy paper Biblio PDF icon save (1.14 MB) capability, diversity and inclusion, emergency management
Increasing emergency management capacity through business sector involvement Biblio PDF icon save (503.1 KB) emergency management, land management, risk management
Integrated response as a process for enhancing emergency management Project emergency management, resilience
Where do we put our dollars? Economic analysis of different bushfire management options in Western Australia Biblio PDF icon save (391.13 KB) economics, emergency management, fire
Conditions for effective coproduction in community-led disaster risk management Biblio emergency management, multi-hazard, risk management
Decision making, team monitoring and organisational learning in emergency management: annual project report 2017-18 Biblio PDF icon save (863.67 KB) decision making, emergency management
Displacement Based Design of Bridge Abutments Biblio earthquake, emergency management, mitigation
Activation of community fire units in the Blue Mountains during the October 2013 bushfires Project capability, communication, emergency management
Prioritisation strategy for seismic retrofitting of reinforced concrete buildings in Australia Project emergency management, engineering
Rhetoric or reality: coordination in a time of crisis Biblio PDF icon save (1.97 MB) emergency management, governance
Risk modelling as a tool to support local government emergency management Biblio PDF icon save (690.83 KB) emergency management, risk analysis, tsunami
Opportunities and constraints identified in existing frameworks in use for organisational learning Biblio PDF icon save (1.31 MB) emergency management, organisational
Describing adaptation tipping points in coastal flood risk management Biblio emergency management, flood, forecasting
Improving decision making, teamwork and organisational learning in emergency management – final project report Biblio PDF icon save (2.96 MB) decision making, emergency management, scenario analysis
Giving voice to our givers: A phenomenological study addressing the perceptions of Rural Fire Service volunteers in Queensland Project emergency management, fire, volunteering
The emerging imperative of disaster justice Biblio PDF icon save (599.81 KB) emergency management, multi-hazard
Sleep and stress in on-call fire and emergency service workers Project emergency management
Sleep and stress in on-call fire and emergency service workers Biblio emergency management, mental health
Using realistic disaster scenario analysis to understand natural hazard impacts and emergency management requirements Project File save (0 bytes) emergency management, modelling, scenario analysis

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