Research leader

Dr Phillip Jordan Research Leader

Research team

Ann Milligan Research Team
Dr Benjamin Henley Research Team
Katherine Szabo Research Team
Peter Hill Research Team
Dr Richard Benyon Research Team
Rory Nathan Research Team
A/Prof Trent Penman Research Team

End User representatives

Charlie Tack End-User
Rachel Brown End-User
Tom Fairman End-User

This project was commissioned and funded entirely by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, Victoria.

In collaboration with Hydrology and Risk Consulting (HARC), this project conducted a review of a previous study completed in 2008, and updated it as required. This project looked at the findings of the Wood and Water project conducted by DEWLP in 2008, incorporating new scientific findings and/or data available since this project was completed. This includes assessing the previous form of water yield impact modelling in Melbourne’s catchment regions and if it remains current in light of fire, logging and other disturbances since 2008, rainfall conditionsimpacts to water yield and quality and expected fire behaviour changes due to climate change 

The result of this project is a desktop review of the 2008 Wood and Water study, using both past data and future data to present an updated report that will improve the Victorian Government’s understanding of the relationship between logging and water quality in Melbourne’s catchments.